Walk for the Wild 2025

Fundraising Tips & Tricks

1. Your first donation should be your own. Your friends want to see that you are invested in the cause! 

2. Share why you are fundraising for Walk for the Wild and what it means to you. Include photos or videos. 

3. Share via email and your social media channels. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are all great places to share. Make sure to link your Facebook and Twitter accounts to your fundraising page!

4. Ask for a specific donation amount. For example, if you ask for donations of $50 you are more likely to get it rather than your donors choosing an amount for themselves.

5. Encourage friendly competition with family and colleagues! See who can raise the most for Walk for the Wild.

6. Have fun with it and get creative! People love to give to others when they see that they are passionate about something! 

Need help getting started? Try customizing this email to send to your friends and family! 

Hi x, 

Good afternoon! I hope all is well with you and your family. As you may know, I am passionate about conservation efforts & the work that the Houston Zoo is doing to save animals in the wild. This year, I am supporting their work by participating in their fourth annual Walk for the Wild to raise funds to help save animals in the wild. I have already made the first gift of $50 toward my fundraising goal, and I hope you will join me with a gift of $25 or more! Every dollar that I raise will go to care for animals here in Houston and protect their wild counterparts around the world. My goal is to raise $1,000 for conservation, and with your help I know I can reach it! 

All the best, 


If you have any questions or need help, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at development@houstonzoo.org. We are happy to help and want you to feel comfortable and be successful in your fundraising!