Walk Day Details

Event Timeline

Walk for the Wild 2025

Sunday, April 6

Check-in opens at 7:00 a.m. 

Opening Ceremony starts 7:45 a.m. 

Walk for the Wild starts at 8:00 a.m. 

After Party ends at 10:00 a.m. and event concludes

Note: Check-in for Walk for the Wild closes at 9:00 a.m.


All registered participants will receive their QR code via email with the subject line, “Your Walk for the Wild QR Code.”  To ensure a speedy entry, please have the QR code pulled up on your phone. Children ages two and under do not require a ticket, children ages three and up need to be registered. 

If you can’t locate your QR code or don’t receive one, our check-in staff and volunteers can look you up by name. 

Note for groups: The person who registered the group will receive one (1) QR code for the group, and they can forward the QR code to members of the group if they’re arriving separately. If your group is larger than (10) people, please plan to check-in by name, rather than QR Code. 


Free parking will be available in Hermann Park. Lots F and G are closest to the Zoo’s Main Entrance at 6200 Hermann Park Drive. 

T-Shirt Pick Up

T-shirt pick-up will open at 7:00 a.m. when check-in begins, to the right of the Zoo's Main Entrance.

Please note: 

  • Team shirts will not be split up, please plan to send (1) representative to pick up team members shirts. 
  • Items will not be available for pickup following Walk for the Wild
  • Extra shirts will not be available for purchase and/or to exchange sizes 
  • Children registered for free as "Infants" will not receive a Walk for the Wild Shirt

Start Time

The walk will start at 8:00 a.m. Please arrive by 7:45 a.m. to enjoy our Opening Ceremony and begin the walk with the other participants. 

What To Do While You Wait for the Walk to Start 

  • Explore the Galapagos Islands Exhibit 
  • Enjoy a Keeper Chat and Demonstrations with our Sea Lions 
  • Rent a stroller, wagon, wheelchair, or electric scooter

  • Shop at the Zoo's Gift Shop 

Recycle Your Electronics!

To celebrate Earth Day Weekend, we are encouraging participants to recycle old electronics at Walk for the Wild! Bring any of the following devices….

  • Cell phones
  • iPods
  • MP3 players
  • iPads/other tablets
  • WiFi hotspots
  • Handheld gaming devices
  • GPS's
  • Electronic chargers
  • Headsets

 ...and you’ll receive two (2) giraffe feeding tickets (valid for 6 months). 

 Drop your devices off at the table near the Galápagos exhibit right after you check in by 8:00 a.m.

By recycling electronics you are helping save animals, like gorillas and okapis, in the wild!

After Party

From 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. participants will enjoy private access to Masihara Pavilion and Karamu Outpost. All walk participants will enjoy: 

  • Light breakfast & refreshments including breakfast tacos, snacks, iced and hot coffee, bottled water, and adult beverages
  • Ambassador Animals 
  • DJ
  • Bounce House 
  • Kid-friendly craft
  • Airbrush Tattoos 

  • Photobooth

Meet our Conservation Education Team! 

  • Get to know our Conservation Education Team at Walk for the Wild! You'll get to learn more about our Take Action Initiatives, pledge to save animals in the wild, and mingle with Houston Zoo staff and our Teen Volunteers.

Adopt an Animal

  • At Walk for the Wild, you’ll have the chance to symbolically Adopt an Animal! This exclusive Walk for the Wild edition adopt will be available for $50, and will feature one of our signature plush animals and some special Walk for the Wild edition items.

Pick Up Your Milestone Rewards 

  • Did you raise $100 or more for Walk for the Wild 2025? Make sure to stop by the Milestone Reward Pick Up table to get your exclusive prize(s)!