Why Participate?

Thank you for your ongoing support to Fontbonne the Early College of Boston. Fontbonne educates young women to grow into confident leaders who understand their responsibility as children of God to promote unity and inclusion in our world. They are supported through their academic achievements and given the tools to create their future and embark on careers after Fontbonne that allow them to not only find success but be pioneers and leaders in their fields. By participating in our student fundraiser, you are directly supporting the activities we offer our students to grow into women of courage. Your donations help to support our academic programs, co curricular activities and our athletics. Your generous donation ignites our mission and ensures our commitment to promoting equal opportunities for ALL of our students. 

How Your Support Makes a Difference

Every calendar purchased strengthens our Fund for Fontbonne. The Fund for Fontbonne is used every year for supporting our students and their education. Your support enables Fontbonne to remain competitive in our market by stabilizing our tuition so all families can afford their daughters the opportunity to attend an all girls Catholic School. The Annual Fund for Fontbonne ensures the institution has the vital and unrestrictive resources to direct funding to areas of greatest need at the discretion of senior leadership. Historically, the Fund for Fontbonne supports:
  • Critically needed academic enhancement
  • Faculty & staff development
  • Extracurricular activities designed to broaden the scope of a Fontbonne education
  • Building improvements to ensure up to date learning centers
  • The essential costs associated with maintaining our physical Fontbonne community and much much more! 
Essentially, a gift to the Fund for Fontbonne is a gift to the enrichment and longevity of Fontbonne, The Early College of Boston and our mission to educate and support the next generation of female leaders and innovators. The support you provide directly impacts the education of our students.
