2024 Stepping Up To Wellness - Run/Walk

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is hosting this race? 

Cancer Wellness Center is hosting the race.  All proceeds will provide support to all those who seek our services.  More information about Cancer Wellness Center can be found at www.cancerwellness.org.

What is the race day schedule? 

7:30am On Site Registration

8:45am - Opening Program

9:00am - Wintrust 5K Run/Walk

9:10am - 1 Mile Family Walk

Will there be "virtual" race t-shirts?

Every participant, both virtual and in person, will receive a race t-shirt and bib. 

How do I get my registration packet? 


Race packets, including t-shirts, will be available for contactless drive thru pickup at the Cancer Wellness Center:

Thursday, April 25th from 10:00 am  - 6:00pm

Friday, April 26th from 10:00 pm - 5:00pm

How long will registration for Stepping Up To Wellness Run/Walk be open?

Registration will be open until Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at noon. After the race, our website will remain open until May 28th for additional donations.

Do I need to register my kids?

Registration for kids 6 and under is free.  If you would like to, you can order a youth large t-shirt and bib for the kids for $15.

What if I don't complete my virtual run/walk by May 1st?

Not a problem, it's just a suggested date.

Is the race timed?

Yes, all 5K runners will be timed.

Is it okay to bring our dog?

Unfortunately, no. There are NO pets allowed at Independence Grove.

How about strollers or wheelchairs on the course?

Yes, strollers and wheelchairs are welcome. 

Is there a rain date?

Unfortunately, no.

Are there any race awards?

Yes, we will be awarding both male and female 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the following categories:

Under 15

15 - 19

20 - 29

30 - 39

40 - 49

50 - 59

60 and up

ONLY 5K RUNNERS will be timed and eligible for awards.

How can I connect with other participants?

Visit our Facebook Page to connect with other participants and share pictures. Do not forget to tag your posts with #24CWCSTUP.

This page includes frequently asked questions about the event and will be updated as needed. If you can't find the answer to a question here you can email Gail Fradin at gfradin@cancerwellness.org