- Premium exhibitor space (6’ table)
- Electricity (single plug-in) Please contact me for special pricing if you have higher wattage requirements.
- Logo on conference registration page with link to your website (April – June)
- Opportunity to network with attendees throughout the day
- A 10% discount on professional conference registrations if you send 7 or more employees
- Introduction of Keynote Speaker
- Company name/logo projected on screen during keynote and luncheon
- THREE conference registration/exhibitor representatives (list names below ~ includes lunch and breaks)
- Premium exhibitor space (6’ table)
- Electricity (single plug-in) Please contact me for special pricing if you have higher wattage requirements.
Recognition/logo in conference brochure (11,500 mailed out)
Form must be received by February 12 to meet brochure deadline
Business card size newsletter ad in our fall issue(deadline for graphics is Aug 30)
Full page B&W write-up about your program inserted in conference booklet
Company name and information listed in conference booklet
Logo on conference registration page with link to your website (April – June)
Opportunity to Network with attendees throughout the day
- Company name/logo projected on screen during luncheon
· TWO conference registration/sponsor representatives (list names ~ includes lunch and breaks)