Johnny's Ambassador Campaign supporting Johnny's Ambassadors, Inc.

Are you interested in becoming a Certified Johnny's Ambassadors Trainer? We are recruiting a grassroots army who will educate their communities about the dangers of youth marijuana use.
** If you are a middle school or high school classroom teacher (health, PE, prevention), a staff member at a Drug-Free Community (DFC) coalition, or a School Resource Officer (SRO), teaching students in a classroom, these materials are free for you to use. Just select "volunteer" when registering. **
Watch this video for a complete explanation and slides about the Certified Johnny's Ambassadors Trainer program!
Who is an ambassador? An ambassador is “a person who acts as a representative or promoter of a specified activity.” So, Johnny’s Ambassadors are the people and organizations who are working to share Johnny’s warning that “Marijuana ruined my mind and my life” with other teens, their parents, and communities to save them from harm.
By registering for this certification, you will receive a license to teach a one-hour seminar, “The Dangerous Truth About Today’s Marijuana: The Harms of Youth Marijuana Use,” to adults/parents or teens/students (or both). As a Certified Johnny’s Ambassadors Trainer, you will present this science-based curriculum in schools, libraries, police stations, restaurants, community centers, coalitions (or just about anywhere you can get someone to give you a free space!), or virtually.
Once registered, you will receive the train-the-trainer materials (3 hours total). You can be matched with an educational consultant to practice with if you wish. You can present it to your family, friends, or neighbors to practice on a small group as well. Our certified trainers will meet quarterly to share ideas, successes, and questions, and the curriculum will be updated quarterly. We will constantly revise and update the curriculum based on your feedback.
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FREE: for individual volunteers who will represent Johnny’s Ambassadors in their communities and hold events to raise funds for Johnny's Ambassadors only (you do not represent or mention other organizations). Also free for TEACHERS with students in a middle or high school classroom. Select SIGN UP TO BE A VOLUNTEER when you register. This will allow you to register people for events and fundraise.
$299: annual license and certification fee for those who be using Johnny's Ambassadors materials as part of their work. If you work as an independent contractor, consultant, you volunteer for another organization, or you are employed at a nonprofit, coalition, government agency, healthcare, or mental health center, you will need to pay the $299 fee to teach our curriculum. Select REGISTER AS A PARTNER.
$999: annual license fee for organizations who wish to have multiple trainers presenting the material (co-branding). With this option, you can use our curriculum to raise funds or as part of your organization’s regular offerings or work. Select REGISTER AS A PARTNER (your trainers do not have to register separately).
• The potency of today’s “new” marijuana (with actual photos)
• Adolescent brain development
• Impacts of THC use on adolescents
• Risks of mental illness, psychosis, and suicide
• What parents can do to prevent teen use
• How to spot warning signs (Top Ten Teen Toking Tip-off Game)
· “Then” vs. “Now” marijuana
· Why do youth use marijuana?
· Is marijuana medicine?
· Adolescent brain development (with videos)
· Impacts of THC use on adolescents (cartoon series)
· Risks of mental illness, psychosis, and suicide
· How the marijuana industry markets to youth (with media examples)
· Marijuana FACT or CRAP gameshow
My book, The Dangerous Truth About Today’s Marijuana: Johnny Stack’s Life and Death Story, will be part of the suggested participant materials for “homework.” You can even approach a local business to sponsor copies for your attendees. Our local Freeway Ford dealership gave us $2500 to buy books! This training will expand our impact and education exponentially, far beyond what I can do by myself. That’s why our nonprofit was named Johnny’s AMBASSADORS. Will you help us?
Thank you for being one of Johnny's Ambassadors!