If I’m Plunging, how much do I have to raise?
Plunger/Chicken - All Plungers must raise a minimum of $125 to participate. which includes a Polar Plunge t-shirt and lunch.
Cool School student - Participants must raise a minimum of $50 but in order to earn a T-shirt and lunch must raise a minimum of $125.
How much do I pay to participate in the 5K run?
The registration fee for the 5K is $45. All participants will receive a commemorative medal at the conclusion of their run.
Can a 5K runner also Plunge?
Sure! And many of them do. You will need to raise an additional $125 and will receive a Polar Plunge T-shirt and lunch. You can also earn additional incentives, so the more you raise, the more we want to thank you!
Is the Plunge a swim?
Absolutely not. Participants run into the water, frolic around for a minute or two, snap photos, then out of the water we go!
How far do I have to go in the water?
That is completely up to you! Dip your whole body or your big toe, whatever you decide is fine by us! If you don’t want to get wet at all, register as a chicken. You’ll be excused from plunging but qualify for the same incentive rewards as our plungers.
Do I have to dress in costume?
Heck no! But don’t be surprised if the majority of participants will. When else will you have an excuse to dress in costume in the middle of winter? If you’re part of team, get in the spirit of things and come up with a team theme. Whatever you choose to wear, please keep in mind this is a family affair so plan your costume or plunge attire accordingly.
What should I bring to the Plunge?
You will want to wear some type of water shoe. Don’t forget to bring a towel and a change of clothes, too! Some type of plastic bag or backpack to put your wet clothes will probably be a good idea.
Is there a minimum age requirement?
No, anyone is welcome to join us. However, on Plunge Day, those under the age of 18 must bring a Polar Plunge waiver signed by a parent or legal guardian. No waiver, no Plunge, no exceptions!
Do spectators have to pay to watch?
Nope! Your cheering squad is more than welcome to come and watch the festivities free of charge. Really, they gotta see it to believe it!
I have registered online but have received some donations that have been given to me personally. What should I do with them?
Up to one week prior to your Plunge date, mail them to Special Olympics, Attn: Polar Plunge, 3480 Buskirk Ave., #340, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 and they will be credited to your plunge page. Be sure to include your name. Donations you receive within the week prior to your Plunge should be brought with you. We will have volunteers on hand who will accept your donations and credit them to your Plunge page.
To whom should checks be made?
Please have checks payable to Special Olympics.
When do I receive my incentive rewards?
You will receive your Polar Plunge T-shirt at the Plunge. Other incentives you may earn will be mailed to you after the Plunge.
A member of my team hasn’t raised the minimum of $125 but I’ve raised more than enough. Can I transfer some of my money to them?
No, we’re sorry. Money raised can’t be moved from one team member to another. Besides, we have some great additional reward levels. You earned it, you deserve it.
What do I do if I receive additional donations after the plunge?
Please mail them to Special Olympics, Attn: Polar Plunge, 3480 Buskirk Ave., #340, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 and be sure and include your name so we can give you credit.