“Your cancer is advanced,” the doctor says without filters and preparation. In the hospital emergency room, numb from narcotics with a cloudy mind, with my teenage daughter amid the Covid-19 pandemic- I was diagnosed with Lymphoma. My body crumbled in pain. It had been almost a year since the pain began. Many ER visits, studies, and tests did not find the cause of the pain.
Denial took over while I debated my options of aggressive treatment for aggressive cancer or letting Him end my life (it would only be a matter of months). In a trance, embraced by the greatest and purest love of my life, my children. I decided, “I will fight for my life and let destiny, and God’s will be done.”
I had six months of chemotherapy, three days of isolation after each, and 28 radiation sessions that burned my skin and left my body weak. How did I survive? I believe that I was never alone. Prayer, energy and other survivor warriors with larger battles than mine accompanied me. I have learned to live with pain, knowing I am not alone!
One day I decided to talk about my cancer and break the taboo. Only then did I receive the greatest gift of humanity. I am a cancer survivor (Lymphoma) and a survivor of life itself.