
in faith, family, and friends

Donald Howard

After surviving and thriving following my prostate cancer diagnosis many years ago, I never expected to be diagnosed with another cancer. But after experiencing abdominal pain, a concerning CT scan, and three surgeries, that is exactly what happened – I was diagnosed with both appendiceal and colon cancer, a recent recurrence, and another surgery.

As a result of the surgeries and radiation treatment, the holidays were especially trying. This journey would have been so much harder if not for my faith, my family and friends’ ongoing love and support, and my healthcare team. I am so grateful to be able to still go fishing with my youngest grandson, watch my oldest granddaughter graduate high school, and be there for the middle granddaughter as she meets her challenges head-on.

I have attended the Believe Walk every year and haven’t missed one. Thank you to all who attend as I draw my courage and inspiration from you!

Prostate Cancer