
in finding joy


My breast cancer was discovered after my 35th birthday. I was immediately thrown into all sorts of testing and treatment. Within the first ten weeks, I had 27 appointments and am now close to 100 appointments.

Before my first appointment, I decided I would do something fun after each one. I called this “finding joy.” There can be so much stress, anxiety, and unknowns with a cancer diagnosis and treatment. We all deserve a little joy. I ate lunch all over San Diego, sat on the beach, visited bookstores, shopped at nearby malls, and found every See’s Candies location in a 30-mile radius.

Almost two years later, I still find joy after every doctor’s appointment. I go monthly for injections, and afterward, I walk right out the oncology center doors to my favorite brunch spot down the street. I am happy to say I am NED (no evidence of disease), and I will continue treatment for the next nine years to lessen my chance of reoccurrence.

Breast Cancer