
in being grateful & thankful

Amanda Lenz

Who knew that breaking my front tooth during the pandemic in 2021 would lead me to the three little words - “You have cancer.” The dentist looked at my neck during my appointment and told me to see my doctor and get an ultrasound immediately, which led to a biopsy. There was a 5% chance that it was cancer.

For years I had many symptoms, from hair loss to constant fatigue. When they removed my thyroid, they discovered I had Hashimoto’s and Papillary Thyroid Cancer that was already starting to spread.

From that day forward, my lifelong battle had begun. This became my new norm between doctor visits, bloodwork, ultrasounds, medication trial-and-error, and multiple scans. I started college classes three days before my diagnosis, persevered with all As that semester, and will continue working toward my Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Oncology will always have a special place in my heart. I’m so thankful to have an amazing husband who has supported me through everything. I’m also grateful that I can share my story and one day be able to return the favor and help others in the way that others have helped me!

Thyroid Cancer