
in miracles

Ayden Denne

Ayden and his mom, Iliana, are a powerful team! They’ve faced the toughest and most joyous days together. In 2018, at just two years old, Ayden was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia called Ph+ Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.

After years of treatment, and just as everyone thought Ayden was closing this chapter in his life, he relapsed in November 2021. Time was running out, and his only hope was a bone marrow transplant, but no one in their family was a match. A miracle appeared in the form of an anonymous donor who agreed to help save Ayden’s life with their bone marrow. After a successful transplant and months in the hospital, Ayden’s health slowly improved.

His family will always be grateful for the anonymous donor who saved Ayden’s life and the over 2,000 individuals who tested to be Adyen’s “match.” Although Ayden’s battle isn’t over, today, he is a happy seven-year-old excited to be going back to school just in time to start second grade.

Lymphoblastic Leukemia