
in listening to your voice within

Cheryl Adams

For the past 14+ years, I have been on the board and actively involved with Inland Women Fighting Cancer, more commonly known as “The Believe Walk.” For the past 15 years, I.W.F.C. and Stater Bros. Charities have raised funds for all cancers benefiting our community.

My diagnosis was high-grade serous carcinoma of the endometrium in late August of 2021.

My mom passed away in July 2021 during her hospice care, I’d ignored several symptoms alerting me that something didn’t feel right. After Mom’s passing, I heard a nagging voice telling me, “Go get checked.” In August, I finally made an appointment with my OBGYN. My diagnosis was confirmed. By mid-September, I was scheduled for a complete hysterectomy followed up with six rounds of chemotherapy. It was a very challenging time, but I made it through with the help of God, my husband, family, and friends. With God’s grace, I will remain cancer free. Thank you, Mom!

My advice to anyone having those nagging thoughts of, “Should I go get checked,” the immediate answer is that Early Detection Saves Lives! Even though my cancer was rare and deadly, catching it early was the KEY.

Endometrial Cancer