
in miracles and friendships

Diana Jaurique

In December 2013, life changed as I knew it. I went in for my annual mammogram in November and was scheduled for a follow-up ultrasound. Results came back showing a large mass on my left breast. A biopsy confirmed that it was breast cancer.

The whirlwind began - appointments with the oncologist and surgeon to review test results and discuss the “game” plan. Due to the size of the tumor, they felt it best to have chemotherapy first in the hopes of shrinking the tumor and creating borders around the mass to make it easier to remove during surgery. After much discussion, I decided that having a double mastectomy was in my best interest.

So off I went to chemotherapy land, undergoing six months of chemotherapy and a double mastectomy in July 2014 with the removal of several lymph nodes, many of which were positive for cancer. On September 11, 2014, I began 33 treatments of radiation. Fortunately, I had a group of sweet women, longtime friends, by my side to help me along the way. They ran like a welloiled machine and drove me to all my treatments. Friendships, like no other, kept me strong. They are my angels.

Breast Cancer