
in the power of family

Khole Vigil

Khloe is a sweet, spunky 11-year-old who has been receiving therapy for progressive neuroblastoma for many years. She has received treatment at several Southern California hospitals, most recently with Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles.

Khloe’s smile can light up a room, and her mother has left no stone unturned to find the best treatment options for her. Her family has experienced great financial hardship as they had been residing in Barstow, far from any children’s cancer hospitals. Khloe’s parents have worked on and off; however, neither can currently work due to Khloe’s health condition.

Megan’s Wings has supported the family for many years, most recently with transportation and moving expenses as they relocate closer to family for emotional and financial support during these difficult times.

Please keep Khloe and her family in your prayers as they transition to their new home with Khloe’s grandmother.

Nerve Tissue Cancer