
in being thankful & grateful

Kimberly Mendez

In September 2022, Kimberly thought she had stage I breast cancer. However, her tumor was larger than initially thought. She had six positive lymph nodes and stage IIIB high-grade infiltrating ductal carcinoma. She faced surgery, eight rounds of chemotherapy, and 35 rounds of radiation.

Kimberly is a dedicated, hard-working mother of 7 children. Her company allowed her to take a week off after each round of chemotherapy and remain working. But after a few months, Kimberly had to take a leave of absence, and disability did not sufficiently cover her expenses, including an additional $500/month in medical costs.

When Kimberly reached out to Breast Cancer Solutions (BCS), she was concerned about her finances. BCS helped her with food and gasoline to try to reduce some of her financial stress, which helped immensely with upcoming holidays, and, once chemo finished, the two-hour trip round commute to daily radiation.

Kimberly’s treatment was completed at the end of March 2023. She is in remission and on hormonal therapy for the next 10 years. Understanding she’s not out of the woods just yet, she celebrates the little victories as they come, feeling thankful & grateful as she continues in recovery. Thank you, BCS!

Breast Cancer