
in a path filled with hope & possibilities

Marlee Lino

Marlee’s life took a dramatic turn at age 2 when diagnosed with stage IV Rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare soft tissue cancer. She underwent treatments at Stanford’s Lucille Packard Children’s Hospital, miles from her Santa Maria home.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, she and her mother, Renee, faced the challenge of being separated from their family due to visitor restrictions. However, the hospital’s social worker fought for Marlee’s father, Joe, to join them, providing emotional support and allowing Renee to focus on Marlee’s care. Joe diligently recorded their journey, hoping to help other parents in similar situations.

The family endured physical, mental, and emotional struggles throughout Marlee’s treatment, compounded by the isolation caused by the pandemic. She faced multiple emergency trips to the hospital, and her chemotherapy led to significant weight loss. Financial strain added to their burdens, as both parents had to pause their work while covering household expenses.

Fortunately, the family received support from Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation, which provided financial assistance, connected them with virtual support groups, brought holiday gifts, and ensured that Marlee could experience the joys of childhood, even during hospital visits.

Tissue Cancer