
in Father God, Believing.

Rebecca Stewart Wilson

On May 4, 2015, a lumpectomy was performed with needle localization. I felt horrible when I came out of surgery. I was anxious to know what causes one to have cancer. Guess what I found out? Knowledge is powerful; we all have cancer cells in our bodies; it’s just that certain things may activate the growth, and then life changes begin.

This LIFE CHANGE caused me to dig deeper by researching what supplements and foods to eat, how changing what I ate, and how food digested in my body helped control, alleviate, and even eliminate the condition. I was an exerciser and was thrown off by my having to stop going to the gym. All this curiosity empowered me to TAKE CHARGE OF MY LIFE.

My Motto

Remember: you are in the driver’s seat of your life. Take control and learn to respond to situations rather than react to them. The choice is yours.

Matthew 7:8 says, “For everyone who asks, receives; the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened” (NIV). My FAITH AND BELIEF in Jesus Christ have kept me.

Breast Cancer