
in not letting cancer dictate your life

Rhonda Dixon

No one ever wants to hear those dreadful three words, “You have cancer,” but it happens every day. I am a 3x cancer survivor. I was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer in November 2014, July 2017, and October 2018. I endured six months of chemotherapy, 42 rounds of radiation, and ten surgeries, including a lumpectomy and a double mastectomy.

It is not easy going through cancer treatment and dealing with the side effects of medication. As a result, I have permanent nerve damage in my hands and feet, my left arm is completely numb, and I have weak heart muscles and glaucoma, but I have learned to adapt to my new normal. My personal saying is, “I have cancer, but it does not have me.” Having cancer does not have to be a death sentence.

Since being diagnosed, I’ve earned three associate degrees, a bachelor’s degree, and just graduated with my master’s degree in forensic psychology Summa Cum Laude. I was adamant about not letting cancer win or dictate my life.

Breast Cancer