
in being proactive

Robin Maupin

Twenty-five years ago, I thought I was having premenopausal symptoms and wasn’t paying much attention to it. When the constant pain started, I knew there was something seriously wrong.

I was lucky to see a gynecologist who listened to me and did all the proper tests. She then referred me to a gynecologic oncologist who did a fivehour surgery and saved my life. The diagnosis was both ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer. With the right medical care and because I’m proactive, I’m alive today.

I have since founded an ovarian cancer non-profit organization, and I facilitate two monthly ovarian cancer support groups. I’m one of the lucky ones, and my goal has been and always will be to raise awareness of ovarian and gynecologic cancers. Too many women are diagnosed late stage. Women and their doctors need to be educated about ovarian cancer. Women’s lives are at stake!

Ovarian Cancer