
in trusting your instincts

Tammy Ciraulo

I was diagnosed with TNBC (triple-negative breast cancer) in March 2021. I had just returned home from vacation and felt a small lump in my left breast. My doctor told me it was probably nothing, but I told her I still wanted it checked out. Always trust your instincts!

The hardest part was telling my six children about my diagnosis. My husband and I called a family meeting to tell them. We didn’t sugarcoat it and let the family know we would fight this together for my recovery.

Fifteen years ago, it would have been a death sentence. However, with the advancement of medicine and research, I was given a treatment path to save my life. I had a double mastectomy and 16 rounds of chemotherapy, and I survived. It was horrible, but I got through it with the love and support of family and friends.

Special thanks to the awesome people who sat with me in those sessions or sent blankets, shared stories, and made me feel better – it kept me positive and going. We all need encouragement and strength to be warriors in this fight.

Breast Cancer