
in living each day to the fullest

Veronica Dornic

It was Thanksgiving break in 2020 when I received a phone call from my doctor calling to let me know I had breast cancer. All I heard was the word cancer, and everything else went blank.

I was still recovering from a previous stroke in 2019, and now I’m trying to figure out how we will get through this next part. It was during Covid, so all the appointments had to be by myself, with no one there for support or comfort. I always tried to stay positive and strong, but this time I didn’t know how I would do it.

Due to my blood clotting disorder, we had to make a surgical decision based on what would be the easiest for my body to handle, as there were many things to consider for a safe outcome. On December 29, 2020, I had a right breast lumpectomy with a final diagnosis of infiltrating ductal carcinoma with lobular features. Followed by 25 rounds of radiation, and three years later, I am here now, as a survivor living each day to the fullest with my family and watching my two daughters grow. Life is full of surprises. Don’t take any days for granted.

Breast Cancer