2022 BIAK Brain Walk

2022 BIAK Brain Walk supporting The Brain Injury Alliance of Kentucky
2022 BIAK Brain Walk

About 2022 BIAK Brain Walk



Join us Saturday May 14th for a breath of fresh air with the your fellow team members at EP Tom Sawyer State Park! 

Location:  Main Entrance

We are raising money for a special cause, near and dear to us all.

8:30am-Registration & Activities Begin (T-shirt Pick Up will be at registration)

Warm-Up with Mary Varga on the main stage! 

It's back this year! We will be having a helmet giveaway. 

10:00am- Walk 

Awards to follow after the walk. 

We will have a live DJ (DJ John Q), Jennifer Baileys from WLKY will be our Emcee, an interactive walking trail, Team Photos, refreshments, and inflatable activities for all.


Starts at:  May 14, 2022 7:30 AM
Ends at:  May 14, 2022 11:00 AM


E.P. Tom Sawyer State Park
3000 Freys Hill Road
Louisville,KY 40241 USA


Lauren Broadus

Why Participate?

BIAK seeks to share its philosophy, experience and skills with survivors, family members, students, caregivers, administrators, health professionals, legislators, the lay community and all those who desire to make a difference in the life of individuals with brain injuries and their families.

In Kentucky

    •  Over 15,000 people visited Kentucky Hospitals with a TBI related injury. That is an average of 41 persons per day!

    • Of those 15,000, 11,673 were treated and released from an ED

    •  3,522 were hospitalized

    •  1,034 died

    • 2.346 TBIs occurred among children ages birth to 14 years; ED visits accounted for more than

      90% of the TBIs in this age group

    • An unknown number of persons now live with either long or short-term neurological deficits even those who were treated and released

How Your Support Makes a Difference

BIAK serves those affected by brain injury through advocacy, education, prevention, service and support.” BIAK links survivors of brain injury and their families to support from others with similar experience; provides them with education and information about living and coping with brain injury; assists them in locating resources for financial assistance; and seeks to connect people with sources of emotional support.

Thanks to our generous sponsors