Cullman Christian School FEED THE NEED

Given that, there is no greater investment than a Christian Education.
Cullman Christian School is experiencing great growth in multiple areas, including both enrollment numbers and spiritual growth of our students. Your support not only helps us to do what we do today, but it enables us to press forward for even more growth and impact in the Cullman area and around the world!
As we attempt to embrace the extraordinary, we will be tithing back our first fruits by personally packing over 10,000 meals for families and children in need, with the ultimate hope of sharing the gospel.
This on-campus mission experience will change lives on our campus and across the globe!
Our food is going to the largest refugee camp and orphanages in Bangladesh.
During our Feed the Need campaign, we will raise student awareness of Bangladeshi children's poverty and genuine need. Many Feed the Need meals are distributed in the Rohingya Refugee Camp. This 600-acre camp is home to 1.2 million refugees from the neighboring country of Myanmar. Refugees in this camp were forced out of their country and into Bangladesh. They live in this camp because they are not welcome in Myanmar or Bangladesh.
These meals are used to connect with the refugees, spread the good news of the Gospel, and show Christ's love through our ministry partners on the ground.