Frequently asked questions
Can I pick up my friend's race packets? Yes! Please have their registration confirmation on hand in case we need to verify any of their information.
Where to park? Parking is available in the Glascock Field across the street from the Calvert Marine Museum. Please do not try to park in the Solomons Medical Building Parking Lot.
Can I pick up my packet on the morning of the race? Yes! Please note that if you registered after September 18, shirts are available on a first come, first serve basis during packet pickup. If you wait until the morning of the race, you may not get a shirt or preferred size.
Can my friend register on the morning of the race? Yes! The registration day fee is $50, and there will be a tent with volunteers ready to help you.
Will there be water on the course? Yes! We will have two water stations on the course. Granola bars, bananas and water will also be available at the finish line!
Make sure you arrive early this year! We will have vendors, and more before the race starts!
Please contact the Foundation office with any questions at 410.414.4570 or email |