How Your Support Makes a Difference

Being a DinoMights donor is an investment in the development of physical, academic, social, and spiritual excellence in urban youth, at a time when its needed most. Donations are used to fund ice time, hockey equipment, youth scholarships and general operating expenses. DinoMights is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, and all donations are tax deductible.

Thank you to our Sponsors

Tournament Details:

  • Superbowl weekend February 8th
  • Co-ed Mixed level 3v3 charity hockey tournament to support the DinoMights youth hockey association
  • Balanced teams based on registrations
  • Pair with a friend (only 2 friend requests allowed due to the roster size of a 3v3 tournament)
  • 2-15 minute runtime halves
  • 1 referee
  • Goalies and full size nets on each end
  • At the Billy Lindsay outdoor rink on a refrigerated surface with boards
  • Cost: $75
  • Included in registration: 4 game guarantee, 1 player spot,


This is a charity tournament.  We create various ways that players can help the charity and their team by collecting donations.  Earn your power play and penalty shot cards.  The top raising team earns 4 (PP)power play cards and 4 (PS)penalty shot cards.  The bottom team receives 1 (PP)Power play card etc..  This is your peer to peer fundraising platform.  See the rewards below.  


Highest Raising Team 

  • 1st: 4 PP & 4 PS 
  • 2nd: 3 PP & 3 PS  
  • 3rd: 2 PP & 2 PS 
  • 4th: 1 PP & 1 PS
  • Tie Breakers determined by amount raised 

Highest Raising Individual 

  • 1st: Wild Tickets + Personalized Sotastick DinoMights Jersey + $50 Sotastick Gift Card + Future Goons Registration and Championship Fundraiser Mug! 
  • 2nd: Wild Tickets + Personalized Sotastick DinoMights Jersey  
  • 3rd: Wild Tickets 


Any Individual That Raises: 

  • $1000 - All the Swag from 2023 Goons Calendar! 
    • First 7 to get to $1000 will receive an additional benefit of a Dino backpack & a Food Truck Coupon  
  • $500 - 2 Pieces of Goons Swag & Food Truck Coupon 
  • $250 - 1 Piece of Goons Swag & Food Truck Coupon