EVE Believes Survivors

Going the Distance with Survivors

About Going the Distance with Survivors

Participate in our virtual Go-A-Thon. Have your team members take photos or videos of a walk, run, roll, skip, dance or jump to empower survivors. Participate with your pet, your kids, your partner, or on your own. Then share a photo with the hashtag #GoingTheDistanceWithSurvivors and #LansingBelievesSurviors to let Lansing know that survivors aren't alone. 

In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, commit to moving 20 miles (or 20 hours) in the month of April- or combine the number of miles or hours that your team traverses in April. Get sponsors for each mile or hour you move in the month of April and ask your friends to join you. However you choose to support survivors- share the message that they are not alone.