EVE Believes Survivors

EVE Believes Survivors supporting EVE, Inc.
EVE Believes Survivors

About Rally to Empower Survivors

Sexual trauma is profoundly personal, stemming from a deep sense of violation that can impact every aspect of a survivor’s life. By its very nature, sexual violence can make victims feel alone. But we aren't going to let survivors be isolated.
After an assault, a survivor is often forced to find a safe place to stay or purchasing things to make their home safer- such as new locks, window bars, or even repairing damage done during an assault. 
Because most sexual assaults are done by someone known to the survivor, the assaults often occur in the survivor's home and bed leading to traumatic memories being triggered if the survivor has to return to those same sheets and bedding. 

By the Numbers: 

​Every 73 seconds, someone is sexually assaulted. 

Every 9 minutes, that someone is a child.

1 in 6 women are survivors of sexual assault.

1 in 10 men are survivors of sexual assault. 

8 out of 10 sexual assaults are committed by someone the survivor knows. 

Out of every 1000 assaults, 999 perpetrators will walk free. 

Thanks to our generous sponsors!