Fund the Finish Lines supporting Curing Retinal Blindness Foundation

We need your help now more than ever!
This massive effort, to get to multiple options for treatments for this rare eye disease, is going to take a little bit of effort from a lot of people.
Please join our Mison for Vision and help us to restore sight to so many.
Together we can #CURECRB1
This is the most exciting time in history for vision research. The Curing Retinal Blindness Foundation team has been exploring options to treat CRB1 Retinal Disease for a decade. Our efforts have supported multiple options for treatments to restore vision. Please donate or host a fundraiser to raise the funds to get us to the finish lines.
It’s time everyone impacted by CRB1 and those that care about us join in to #FundTheFinishLines
Help us to #curecrb1