Generations' 2024 Annual Campaign

Intergenerational Programming

​PLAY with Generations

Children thrive when they’re active, engaged, and connected. Through PLAY (Promoting Lifelong Activity for Youth) with Generations, we are partnering with Fairview Elementary School to offer a unique, structured recess program that fosters physical activity, thoughtful interactions, and powerful intergenerational connections. By bringing together youth, staff, and volunteers from different generations, this program strengthens the community and encourages a culture of mentorship, learning, and fun.

Your donations will directly support this impactful initiative in several important ways:

  • Structured Games and Intergenerational Connections: During recess, our staff and volunteers will guide students in structured playground games, offering opportunities for physical activity, teamwork, and positive social interactions. More importantly, these sessions will foster meaningful connections between generations, as older adults share their experiences, wisdom, and support with the younger generation.

  • Volunteer Training and Staff Support: To ensure the success of the program, we will train volunteers to engage with students in thoughtful, supportive ways. Funds will also cover staff time, allowing us to devote the necessary resources to creating a nurturing and stimulating environment for the children.

  • Equipment, Supplies, and Financial Assistance: Your generosity will enable us to purchase essential playground equipment and supplies, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to participate in these enriching activities. Additionally, we will offer financial assistance to families and youth in need, providing them with access to memberships at Generations, where they can continue to grow and benefit from our intergenerational programs outside of school hours.

Why your support matters: The PLAY program is about more than just fun and games—it’s about building relationships that transcend age and experience, teaching valuable life skills, and promoting lifelong health and wellness. By investing in this program, you’re helping create a community where youth are supported, encouraged, and inspired by the generations that came before them.

Together, we can inspire the next generation, creating a space where youth can thrive, connect, and learn through the power of intergenerational relationships. Please consider donating today and help us make PLAY with Generations a cornerstone of our community’s future.


Technology has the power to bring people together, but for many, it remains a daunting challenge. That’s why we’re excited to introduce GenT (Generations Technology Program)—a new, intergenerational initiative where participants will have their technology questions answered, learn to stay connected with family and friends, and even explore the potential of artificial intelligence (AI). This program will be driven by volunteers from all generations, creating meaningful opportunities for learning, connection, and collaboration.

With your support, we can bring this transformative program to life, offering participants the opportunity to:

  • Get IT Questions Answered: Whether it’s learning how to use a smartphone, accessing video calls, or navigating social media, participants will receive hands-on guidance from trained volunteers. These volunteers, spanning multiple generations, will offer personalized support, making technology more accessible to everyone involved.

  • Stay Connected with Loved Ones: For many older adults, the ability to connect with family and friends through technology can significantly reduce feelings of isolation. GenT will teach participants how to use digital tools—like video calls, social media, and messaging platforms—empowering them to maintain meaningful relationships across distances.

  • Discover the Power of AI: As artificial intelligence continues to shape our world, GenT will introduce participants to its practical applications, showing them how AI can simplify everyday tasks and open up new ways of learning. This knowledge will help participants engage with emerging technology and stay ahead in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

  • An Intergenerational Experience: What makes GenT truly unique is the collaboration across generations. Volunteers from different age groups will not only lead the program but also participate in it, creating a dynamic environment where learning flows both ways. This intergenerational approach will foster deeper understanding and connection, as younger and older generations come together to share knowledge and experiences.

Why your support matters: By creating GenT, we are addressing a critical need for technology education while also bridging the gap between generations. Your donation will help cover staff time, purchase IT equipment and supplies, and ensure the program is accessible to all who need it. With your generosity, we can make this program a reality and provide life-changing opportunities for participants to stay connected, learn, and grow.

Together, we can bridge the digital divide and create lasting connections across generations. Please consider donating today and help us launch GenT, making a meaningful impact on individuals and the community.