♠ Playlist With a Purpose

About ♠ Playlist With a Purpose

Today we invite you to listen to a very special playlist. This playlist has been pulled together by Sara El Jizi. Sara is a Right to Play Field Facilitator in Lebanon and a semi professional basketball player, she delivers multiple projects to children in Right to Play programmes in Lebanon, empowering them to rise above adversity.

Sara's playlist is made up of songs that inspire her and help her through tough times, and today's challenge is for you to make a playlist of songs that inspire you. 

To complete the challenge simply upload a screenshot of your playlist on Spotify or Youtube etc, or even a handwritten list. Then tell us why you chose the songs you did in the comments when you upload the picture.

We will share your reasons for choosing the songs with Sara who will help us to choose her favourite playlist.

Prize = a year's subscription to Spotify, or a music streaming platform of your choice.