Gratitude Rising


Steve Foran

Steve's dream is one billion happier people. While not the typical career path of an Electrical Engineer, Steve began exploring the relationship between gratitude and philanthropic giving during his MBA—receiving the Gold Medal for highest academic standing. Since then, he's been writing and conducting
practice-based gratitude research and teaching the habits of gratefulness—close to fifteen years now. What has emerged is his science-based program, Gratitude At Work. It's a simple, yet innovative approach to thriving leadership and business growth.

Steve founded Gratitude at Work in 2007 and started hosting conversations which have since grown into work with leaders around the world, shifting cultures, helping leaders and their teams be happier at work by bringing more gratitude to work each day. His 2019 book, Surviving to Thriving - The 10 Laws of Grateful Leadership, was named 1 of 8 recommended reads by GreaterGood Science Center at University of California Berkeley and 1of 5 positive psychology books for a happier 2019 in inc. Also in 2019, Steve was an inaugural winner of Canada's CEO Trusted Advisor Awards Program and in 2017, he was awarded the highest earned designation in professional speaking, CSPTM.

Steve's a son, brother, husband, father and relatively newly minted grandfather. His kids poke fun at my gratitude work (air quotes) as he is heading to one billion with an on-line community that gives everyone easy access to the secrets of gratitude and grateful leadership. A lifelong resident of Halifax, Nova Scotia Steve tries to do my part to make his community a better place to live.