Be a Sponsor

About Be a Sponsor

Sponsorship Opportunities

Thank you for partnering with us to ensure the success of this important fundraiser that benefits individuals with disabilities at HDC. Your support is much appreciated.

Premier Level Sponsor-$3,000:

• Name and logo prominently displayed on all promotional materials

• Full-color logo prominently displayed on event webpage, Facebook, and website.

• Distribution of information about the company to all registered players in their complimentary gift bags. (Provided by sponsor)

• Recognition throughout the tournament.

• Complimentary foursome

Presenting Level Sponsor-$2,500:

• Name and logo displayed on all promotional material

• Full-color logo displayed on event webpage, Facebook, and website.

• Distribution of information about the company to all registered players in their complimentary gift bags. (Provided by sponsor)

• Recognition at the start of the event.

• Two complimentary golf registrations

Impact Level Sponsor(s)-$1,500:

• Company name displayed on all promotional materials

• Company Logo prominently displayed at the driving range.

• Company name displayed on the event page and Facebook

• Recognition at the start of the event

Major Level Sponsor-$1,000:

• Company name displayed on all promotional materials

• Company name displayed on the event page and Facebook

• Recognition at the start of the event

Hole Sponsor-$350:

• Company name/logo on hole sign.

• Recognition at start of the event/Event Page

Hole Sponsor-$350:

• Company name/logo on hole sign.

• Recognition at start of the event/Event Page