The Hot Chocolate
When the Hot Chocolate Run began in 2004, we knew we wanted to serve REAL hot chocolate–the good stuff, made with just milk, cocoa, sugar and vanilla. We expected a few hundred participants our first year. Jen and John, the event’s founders, got up early that morning and made about 40 gallons of hot chocolate in big pots in their kitchen. No problem!
Many years later, we find ourselves needing hot chocolate for 6,300 people. That’s more than 500 gallons, and Jen and John’s stove just isn’t big enough. Still, it’s no problem, thanks to three incredible local businesses offering their support.
We are delighted to offer hot chocolate made with 100% local milk. Our Family Farms, a cooperative of eight small Western Massachusetts dairy farms, is donating over 400 gallons of fresh and delicious local milk. “Our farmers have pledged not to use rbST (artificial growth hormone) because we care about the health of our families, friends and the community. We maintain the highest standards for animal care and treat our cows as if they are our children. Our cows generally eat breakfast before we do! Our cows spend part of their day grazing on lush, green pastures in the Spring, Summer and Fall. All of our farms use sustainable agricultural practices to protect our natural resources and preserve open space.” Our Family Farms products are available in stores throughout Western MA. Please support this terrific business!
Since the very first Hot Chocolate Run in 2004, Northampton Coffee and Tart Baking Co. have generously donated all of the high-quality cocoa, sugar and vanilla for the hot chocolate. This year we’ll need hundreds of pounds of cocoa and sugar–and three gallons of pure vanilla extract. Visit Northampton Coffee for the very best single-origin coffees and espresso drinks, an extensive variety of full leaf teas and botanicals, delicious baked goods, and more.
In 2019, our hot chocolate will be made at the Western Massachusetts Food Processing Center at the Franklin County Community Development Corporation. We're grateful for this brand-new partnership with an organization that is so focused on local ingredients and economic development.
We are so very grateful to Northampton Coffee, Our Family Farms, and the Franklin County Community Development Corportation. Please join us in thanking them for their incredible support. We also send special thanks to our friends at the Northampton Brewery for making our hot chocolate for a decade in their beer-brewing kettle. The Brewery's enthusiasm and generosity were key to this event's growth, and we are forever grateful.