Chad Cotton

Chad Cotton

The most important Ride of someone else's life!

I'm participating in the 2023 Hill Country Ride for AIDS, an awesome ride through the beautiful Texas Hill Country. The HCRA has raised more than $11,000,000 for people impacted by HIV and AIDS in our community, and this year I want to help them raise even more.

Your donation will go directly to 9 local non-profit agencies assisting those in Central Texas affected by HIV and AIDS. There are more people in need than ever before, and the impact this fundraiser makes is huge. 

I would be so grateful for any donation you can share in my effort to help provide much needed services!

Chad Cotton

Good for health, Good for people.

Riding with a friend on the Southern Walnut Creek Trail. https://www.austintexas.gov/department/southern-walnut-creek-trail

Chad Cotton