Individual Fundraising Incentive Levels**
Check out the cool, CHF swag that you can win by hitting the incentive levels!
- Raise $ 50 - 22nd Annual Walk with the Heart of a Child Commemorative T-shirt
- Raise $250 - CHF Branded Crossland 20-Can Outdoor Cooler & 22nd Annual Commemorative T-shirt
- Raise $500 - CHF Branded Portable Refrigeration Cooling Hand Fan, CHF Branded Cooler & Commemorative T-shirt
Raise $1,000 - CHF Branded Sweater Fleece Jacket, CHF Branded Portable Refrigeration Cooling Hand Fan, CHF Branded Cooler & Commemorative T-shirt
**Please note, incentive prizes will be awarded to individuals who personally fundraise. Deadline date to qualify for all incentive levels is March 5, 2025 at 5:00 pm. Fundraising totals will be taken from the individuals personal fundraising page, not team fundraising page. Team fundraising does not qualify you for incentives. Only personal fundraising qualifies for incentives.