2021 Hoffman Skanska LLC Military Appreciation Campaign supporting USO

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#BeTheForce #MoreThanThanks
The USO is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization and not part of the Department of Defense. (EIN/Tax ID: 13-1610451).
For USO’s State Disclosures, visit: www.uso.org/state-disclosures. For USO’s Privacy Policy, visit: www.uso.org/privacy.
Hoffman Skanska LLC is overseeing the remodel, reconstruction and new building of the terminal core at Portland International Airport (PDX). In observance of Military Appreciation Month, Hoffman Skanska LLC is hosting a campaign to give more than thanks to America's Military by supporting USO Northwest, and invites its partners to join them in being a Force Behind the Forces®.
Donations made to the campaign any time May 15, 2021 (Armed Forces Day) through July 4, 2021 (Independence Day) will directly impact service members and their families locally and around the globe.
Copy and paste the webpage url and use the hashtag #HoffmanSkanskaUSO to share and tag information on your social media channels to invite your friends and families to join us in supporting the USO mission!
In 2021, the USO is celebrating 80 years of strengthening America’s military service members by connecting them to family, home and country, throughout their service to the nation.
Follow USO Northwest on social media to keep up with the campaign progress!
Facebook: USO Northwest | Instagram: @USONorthwest | Twitter: @USONorthwest
#BeTheForce #MoreThanThanks #HoffmanSkanskaUSO
These gifts are symbolic representations of the USO’s programs, services, and activities to support U.S. service members and their families. Your contribution will be joined with the contributions of others, and used where it is needed most to strengthen America’s military servicemembers by keeping them connected to family, home and country, throughout their service to the nation.