2024/2025 Holy Spirit Catholic School Improvement Projects Thank You for supporting Holy Spirit Catholic School in Overland Park, Kansas
Holy Spirit Catholic School

Holy Spirit Catholic School has been vibrantly active in the Church's evangelizing mission—bringing the gospel to the ends of the earth—and will celebrate its 40th Anniversary this Fall!  Thank you for your continued support of Holy Spirit Catholic School.

Holy Spirit School's success is found in the many students, families, and faculty who have been a part of Holy Spirit School for the past 40 years, and we look forward to the generations to come.  With an eye on the future and an awareness of the need for critical improvements, Holy Spirit School is currently embarking on 3 important projects:
  1. ​Full School Office Renovation:  The primary goal is to create a welcoming and secure environment where visitors and families can feel comfortable while ensuring that access to the school is strictly controlled to enhance the safety of our children.  This project, facilitated by Trinity Homes & Exteriors, involves the aesthetic and functional improvement of the front office and waiting areas.  The office renovation is scheduled for completion before the new school year begins!
  2. Preschool Bathroom Addition: An important addition is the adequate number and size of bathrooms facilities in support of our smallest students and their teachers.
  3. Updates to Bathrooms near St. Elizabeth Hall: We are revamping the classroom bathrooms on the south side of our building to accommodate more faculty and guest bathrooms.
These projects are fully funded by a generous donation from an individual parishioner. After many conversations in past years, the decision was made to proceed with these school improvements.

We acknowledge that other areas within Holy Spirit Catholic School may require similar improvements and security upgrades. we will be addressing these needs in the near future. We appreciate your generosity toward future projects & your commitment to Holy Spirit Catholic School.