Five-Year Angelversary of Johnny Stack and #GivingTuesday and Year-End Fundraiser supporting Johnny's Ambassadors, Inc.

Dearest Johnny's Ambassadors,
Five years ago, on November 20, 2019, my beloved 19-year-old son, Johnny, took his life. As many of you know, he had a psychotic episode from using high-potency THC concentrates. I can’t believe it’s been five years. So much has happened. The pain isn’t as sharp as before, but I still miss him every day and sometimes I still can’t believe he’s gone. How can this possibly have happened?
When Johnny was experiencing Cannabis-Induced Psychosis, we couldn’t find anyone to help us. No one understood what was happening or that it was related to his THC use. No one told him to stop. No one thought it was addictive or that marijuana could do that. Insurance wouldn’t pay for anything, and there were no “treatment” programs, because hey, it wasn’t addictive. The doctors all said his psychosis and suicidality had to be the onset of schizophrenia, even though we have no mental illness in our family.
Sadly, after he died, we learned so much more about the connection between youth THC use, brain development, addiction, psychosis, and suicide. So, Johnny’s Ambassadors was born after Johnny died—not a very good replacement—but better than crying for the rest of my life.
Five years later, here’s what I know. What happened to Johnny was 100% preventable. If Johnny had never started using marijuana, he would still be here today. I firmly believe with all my heart if I knew then what I know now, we could have saved him. Johnny was a great kid who made some bad decisions. But he was a victim. He should never have had access to this poison in Colorado—the first state to legalize it—when he was 14 years old.
That’s why Johnny’s Ambassadors exists. To keep your child from going down that path. To try to help parents whose children are going through it. To try to prevent teens from trying it in the first place. To save lives. And it’s working with the ones we touch. We need to reach more!
I personally gave over 200 school assemblies this year and have talked to nearly half a million teens in the past five years. The word is getting out through our television and radio PSAs, streaming ads, nationwide press, Scholastic magazine, teen social media influencers, and all the educational programs your donations support.
When I stand in the gym or auditorium in front of hundreds or thousands of teens at a school, I see on their sweet faces the same hopes, dreams, and goals that Johnny used to have. I’m so grateful to have the opportunity to share his warning with them, “Marijuana ruined my mind and my life.” ALL young people need to understand there is NO safe level of THC in the developing brain. We need your support to continue to provide teens with this important prevention message. Will you help with an end-of-year contribution to honor Johnny and the work he continues to do here on earth? We are combining this fundraiser with Giving Tuesday the end of year since they are so close together.
As a small token of our appreciation for your donation, you will receive the recordings to our Johnny’s Ambassadors Youth THC Prevention Conference from July 10 and 11.
I won’t quit until I join him. This work gives me some meaning to my loss. I promise you I will fight to save the lives of our children with every bit of strength I have left in my days. Thank you for supporting our work and giving me your love. It has saved me.
If you can help, please donate to Johnny’s Angelversary fund on Nov. 20 until the end of the year at or text johnnyangel to 512-920-5521. If you prefer to mail a check, send to Johnny's Ambassadors, 4242 Hickory Oaks Street, Castle Rock, CO 80104.
Thank you for helping us save our youth from the harms of THC.