Lanc Walk 2024

​Fundraising Coaching Center

We know fundraising can seem like a daunting task - but don’t worry! We’ve broken down a comprehensive day-by-day plan equipped with tips and tools to help you reach your goals and raise critical funds for the epilepsy community.

First thing’s first: be sure you’ve personalized your fundraising page with a picture (fundraising pages with a photo of the participant are 3X more likely to receive a donation!) and a statement about WHY you walk, WHO you walk for, or WHAT epilepsy means to you.

How to Raise $500 in One Week:

Day 1: Sponsor yourself for $100 (or whatever amount you feel comfortable giving.)

Donors want to support you in a cause that they see you already support yourself. Your gift will set the tone for your donors!

Day 2: Ask two family members for $75.

The people who love you most will support you in anything you do – especially when it’s a cause that is personal to you. Start with them and boost your fundraising total early.

Day 3: Ask three friends to donate $50.

$50 fills one seizure first aid kit for our medical team at Camp Achieve. Your best friends will be happy to know what their support can achieve.

Day 4: Ask two co-workers to sponsor you for $25

Don't forget to ask your employer/your donors if their companies have a matching gift program to potentially double the gift!

Day 5: Ask five people in your social network for a $10 donation.

Post and tag friends on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter. If social media isn't your thing, try texting your appeal!

Fundraising Tip #1: Share Your Story

Make it personal! Donors are much more likely to support you in your efforts if they are personally connected to the cause and understand the needs and challenges.

If you have a personal story and connection to epilepsy that you feel comfortable sharing with your community, we strongly encourage you to do so! Not only will you be spreading awareness, you will also be helping your network understand epilepsy and increase the chances of receiving their support.

Fundraising Tip #2: Email like a Pro

One easy way to ask your family, friends and colleagues to support your fundraising efforts is by emailing them to let them know that you are participating in the Walk to END EPILEPSY – NEPA. We’ve compiled solicitation email templates you can access through your dashboard, but we encourage you to get creative, share your story, and craft your own appeal!

Three simple rules to follow when soliciting donations:

Always email one-to-one. It’s always nice to receive a personal note, and it also holds donors a little more accountable than being one of many in a group appeal.

Always follow up with your donors. Just because someone hasn’t donated to your fundraising page doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t want to; they simply might have forgotten. A little reminder never hurts.

Always, always, always thank your donors. Make sure your network feels appreciated for supporting you in your efforts!

These tips and tools apply if you choose to send you letters as good old fashioned snail-mail too!

Fundraising Tip #3: Utilize Your Social Media Network

As many of you know, posting about the Walk on social media is not only a great way to spread the word and raise awareness, it’s also a great way to raise funds! Craft your own messages on social media to let your friends know why the Walk to END EPILEPSY is important to you. Follow our social media tips below for the most effective awareness and fundraising posts:

Keep it short and punchy. The most effective posts are factual and to the point.

But don’t be afraid to get personal. That being said, if you have a personal connection or story you can share, doing so can really help new individuals and families in your network learn about epilepsy and the Walk to END EPILEPSY.

Tying facts and statistics to your posts can be a powerful tool. Use the examples below on social media (Facebook is still our favorite, but Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter are great, too), via email, in person or on the phone!

**To access all of the social media image files below, CLICK HERE!**

$26 for the 1 in 26

1 in 26 people will be diagnosed with epilepsy in their lifetime. Everyone knows someone affected by seizures. Did you know [I'm/my child/parent/sibling/friend] is the 1 in 26? I’m joining @EFEPA for the Walk to END EPILEPSY, and I’m asking my friends and family to consider making a donation of $26 in recognition of those who are battling epilepsy. #WalktoENDEPILEPSY (Insert link to fundraising page)

10 Friends for 1 in 10

1 in 10 people will have a seizure at some point in their life. In recognition of the 1 in 10, I'm sharing tips on how to be #SeizureSmart with 10 of my friends and asking that each of you considering making a $10 donation to my Walk to END EPILEPSY fundraising page for @EFEPA. Together, we can raise the funds and awareness needed to END EPILEPSY and the discrimination and stigmas that goes along with it. #WalktoENDEPILEPSY (Tag 10 friends, Insert link to fundraising page)

$30 for the 30%

30% of people diagnosed with epilepsy are living with uncontrolled seizures because no available medications or surgery will work for them. I'm honoring the 30% by participating in the Walk to END EPILEPSY with the @EFEPA. Please consider donating $30 to my fundraising page to help provide programs, resources, services, and HOPE for the 30% living with active epilepsy and seizures. #WalktoENDEPILEPSY (Insert link to fundraising page)

3.4 million

3.4 million people in the U.S., and over 110,000 residents of Eastern PA, are living with epilepsy. [I’m/my child/parent/sibling/loved one] is one of them. I’m doing my part to make a difference by joining the @EFEPA at the Walk to END EPILEPSY... Will you join me or donate to my efforts?! #WalktoENDEPILEPSY (Insert link to fundraising page)

Did You Know?

Did you know, epilepsy is the fourth most common neurological disease after migraines, stroke, and Alzheimer's? Everyone may know someone living with epilepsy, yet the disorder is underfunded in research initiatives and rarely talked about. I’m doing my part to change that by participating in the Walk to END EPILEPSY with @EFEPA! Please consider joining me, or donating to my fundraising page to help me reach my goal. #WalktoENDEPILEPSY (Insert link to fundraising page)

$470 for the 470,000

470,000 children under the age of 18 in the US are living with epilepsy. I’m trying to raise $470 in recognition of the hundreds of thousands of kids living with seizures. Will you help me reach that goal for the Walk to END EPILEPSY? No donation is too small—every little bit counts and gets me one step closer! #WalktoEND EPILEPSY (Insert link to fundraising page)

Epilepsy Facts

Epilepsy is a brain disorder that causes seizures. Seizures are abnormal activity in the brain. 1 in 10 people will have a seizure in their lifetime, and 1 in 26 people will be diagnosed with epilepsy in their lifetime. Not everyone who has a seizure will be diagnosed with epilepsy, but everyone diagnosed with epilepsy has seizures. I’m participating in the Walk to END EPILEPSY to raise awareness! Please join me or consider donating to my fundraising page to support my efforts and @EFEPA! #WalktoENDEPILEPSY (Insert link to fundraising page)

Fundraising Tip #4: Host an Event

One great way to increase your efforts is by planning a creative fundraiser event based around your interests or hobbies. Here’s some ideas your fellow all-star participants have hosted in the past:

  • Host a donation based yoga class, spin class, barre class, or whatever type of fitness class you’re into!
  • Host a happy hour or guest bartend at your favorite local watering hole! Work with the establishment to sell wristbands or have a percent of the evening’s proceeds benefit your fundraising efforts. Put donation boxes around the restaurant for any local patrons who might be feeling generous as well.
  • Organize a donation based bowling night at your local bowling alley.
  • Host a wine & cheese night at your home! Ask your friends to join you or bring $10 to donate.
  • Organize a “Jeans Day” at your workplace. For anyone who donates $10 to your fundraising page, they’ll be allowed to wear jeans to work that Friday.
  • Have a good old fashioned bake sale! Get your team together to bake their best dessert and sell them locally.
  • Organize a week-long change collection at your kids’ school. That pocket change adds up quickly!
  • Host a Paint Night party. Work with one of the local organizers to invite your friends out for some wine and painting with a percentage of the class fee going to your fundraising page.

You name it, people have turned their hobbies into creative events to benefit their fundraising efforts. Now, you can even manage your Fundraising event's ticketing and RSVPs right here on the site! All fund raised will be reflected on  your Walk goal. 

Questions about fundraising or recruiting people to your team? Email Melissa at or call 215-629-5003.