
  • Click the Register button in the top right.
  • Sign up using Facebook, Google, Twitter, or a personal email. Fun Tip: It's best to sign up using social media because it will make sharing the campaign with your friends a lot easier!
  • Follow the prompts until you reach the Registration page. Confirm your information.
  • Fill in an answer for the last question "one or two sentences that sums up why you're doing this?" This will show on your individual fundraising page and on your social media posts. You can return to this step later if you'd like to continue. Click Next.
  • Follow the Prompts to finish registering. Click the SET UP YOUR PAGE button.​

​Personalize Your Page

  • Set a fundraising goal that feels realistic for you and your network
  • If you'd prefer to focus more on spreading awareness and sharing the campaign, Click the box that says "Not Fundraising this time around."
  • Add a personal message to your page! Something that will tell visitors to your page why you support LEF Scholarships or why you think supporting education and students is important.

Join a Team or Participate as an Individual

  • You will automatically be setup as an individual. If you have a group of friends, family, or school that would like to fundraise together, you can setup a team.

Add Photos or Video

  • If you have memories with the scholarship ceremony, LEF events, or just family and friend photos you'd like to share, upload them here! People are more likely to donate to a page that is full of life.

Invite Friends To Join You

  • Compete with your friends or have them join a team and fundraise with each other! Click one of the links to share your page link and send out a Recruitment message.

Ask Your Friends to Donate

  • The first step starts with you! Make the first donation to your campaign or toggle over to the tab that says "Ask Your Friends." Use one of the links to start asking friends and family to donate! Once you do receive donations, remember to thank them.

Start Fundraising!

  • Keep track of your progress on your Dashboard! LEF will be posting top fundraisers and recruiters every day on social media so stay motivated and stay active on your fundraising page!

If you run into any trouble, email for help.