Birthday Tribute for Liana supporting Band of Parents

Neuroblastoma is an aggressive, pediatric cancer, mostly striking children less than 5 years of age and is diagnosed in approximately 700 children each year in the US. It's cause is unknown. Arising in the developing nerves of a child, it often appears as a tumor in the chest or abdomen. Neuroblastoma is difficult to treat, with patients suffering multiple relapses.
Due to the high cost of research and the small number of children diagnosed annually, pediatric cancer is severely underfunded by both the pharmaceutical industry and federal government.
Band of Parents is a grassroots, nonprofit organization and was formed to fund innovative research and clinical trials to help increase the survival rate of this deadly cancer. Band of Parents has funded more than $10 million dollars over the last 14 years to help save lives and continues its mission to fast-track a cure, using less toxic, targeted therapies.
Liana was diagnosed in 2018 with a rare childhood cancer called neuroblastoma. Liana fought neuroblastoma like a champ and handled treatment so bravely. This little warrior is now turning 5 years old and she is full of energy, laughter and joy. She enjoys playing with her brother and their dog and giving hugs to her family and friends. Her beautiful smile lights up a room!
Please donate to Band of Parents, a non-profit organization focused on funding innovative research, clinical trials and less toxic treatments to cure neuroblastoma and keep children in remission longer. Please donate in honor of Liana's birthday and to help other children battling neuroblastoma. Together, we are bound by hope that one day, all children will be cured of this disease.