Kyla Miller

Kyla Miller

Leading the Fight for the Health of all Moms and Babies

In July 2019, my sister was diagnosed with Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy--an extremely rare but serious pregnancy complication that often is caught too late. After giving birth to two (now healthy) twin baby boys at 32 weeks, she suffered multiple organ failure and DIC. After a long-fought battle in the ICU, she is now an amazing mother to her beautiful twin boys (plus a third!). Did I mention she is also a midwife? :) 

I selected this organization because it funds research around the cause and treatment of AFLP, and works to improve the care babies receive in the NICU. 

Specifically, the funds I raise will help March of Dimes:

Advocate to change laws to prioritize the health of moms and babies,

​Invest in cutting-edge research, including research around AFLP and related conditions, and

Provide local programs like Supportive Pregnancy Care and NICU Family Support

Thank you so much for your support. Every donation means the world to me.

Kyla Miller
Kyla Miller