Damien Center's One Home Ride presented by GEICO

Fundraising Tips

Set an achievable but motivating goal (see below for a path to achieve your goal).

Send emails (sample text is available).

Link your page directly to your social media channels and get points automatically.

​Follow up with texts.

Ask your company if it will match donations.

Recruit other people to fundraise with you or join your team.

Host your own FUN-draiser (back yard party, cocktail hour, brunch, crafting session, etc).

    ​How to raise $250 in a week

    Day 1: Set up your page and pay the $25 registration fee

    Day 2: Ask two family members for $25

    Day 3: Post on socials; get three friends to donate $25

    Day 4: Ask two co-workers or classmates for $25

    Day 5: Text or email three friends (or remind people who may have seen your posts already) and receive $10 from each of them

    Day 6: Bribe 4 neighbors with baked goods in exchange for $5 gifts

    Day 7: Celebrate and thank everyone who helped you achieve your goal!