Damien Center's One Home Ride 2024


All riders must be over 18 and must wear a helmet.


Helmets are required for all rides. Anyone without a helmet will not be allowed to participate. Rides will take place rain or shine (barring severe weather). Please be alert and bring appropriate gear. Front and rear lights are strongly encouraged.

During registration, nine13sports will be available to help with minor mechanical adjustments.

E-bikes are allowed, but only Class 1 and Class 2.

Routes and SAG (Support and Gear) Stops

All three routes begin at Buck Creek Players and travel through relatively flat, rural roads with little traffic. Because riders will be on public roads, we strongly recommend front and rear lights for rider safety.

  • Metric Century Ride sponsored by IU Health (62 miles)
  • Mid-distance Ride sponsored by Park Indy (34 miles)
  • Fun Ride (13 miles through the countryside that includes a stop at an orchard)

The Fun Ride will be guided and will include planned activity stops, but those on the mid-distance and metric century rides should be prepared to follow route markings or download the route.

SAG stops will be equipped with snacks, water, and maps. They will also have restrooms or portalets available. Volunteers will be at SAGs to help with any questions. The metric has two SAGs.


Please note that riders must arrive to check in between 7:00 and 7:45 am (even if previously registered). 

  • ​7:00-7:45 registration
  • 8:00 welcome, announcements, and ride start.

For longer riders, please note that the SAG stop at Pleasant View Orchard will close at approximately 12:30 pm.


Parking is available at Buck Creek Playhouse, 11150 Southeastern Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46259.


Rides will take place rain or shine, unless there is thunder or other severe weather that could threaten the safety of riders. Any decision to cancel will be made prior to the start to avoid having severe weather strike while participants are on the ride.

Please stay alert to weather and bring appropriate gear. 

No refunds are available for this event. Thank you!

Additional Ride FAQs 

I can't ride but I would like to volunteer. How do I apply to volunteer?

Thank you for your interest! Please email Ceven Webb at cwebb@damien.org or check out other Damien Center volunteer opportunities

If I want to participate in a ride that is different from the one I originally signed up for, what should I do?

Please reach out to jamato@damien.org to transfer to a different ride.

How do I order the official One Home Ride Jersey?

Select a registration option that includes a jersey and choose your size from the chart provided.

Is this a mass start or self paced?

The 62 and 34 milers will start at the same time, and the fun ride will start soon after. As we get closer to the day of the event and have a better gauge of numbers on each route, we may start the longer routes by speed groups. Safety is a priority on this event.

Are there restroom facilities available?

Yes. There are restrooms at the start/finish, the Orchard, and the SAGs (SAGs may have portalets only).

Fundraising Information & FAQs

How much do I have to fundraise? How much is registration?

To be a fundraiser for the One Home Ride, you must plan to raise at least $150.

Registration fees start at a discounted rate of $25 and increase to $45 on July 18th.

The registration fee goes towards Rider amenities and event costs while all money raised by our Riders goes back to Damien Center to fill the gaps in the funding required to serve folks living with HIV. 

What happens if I don’t hit my fundraising goal by the day of the Ride?

If you feel that you cannot make your fundraising goal by the day of the ride, please contact Emily Leiserson at eleiserson@damien.org.

What does my registration go towards? What about the fundraising money?

Registration money goes towards the One Home Ride and all of the various amenities including (but not limited to) food, water, t-shirts, etc. Additional funds raise support Damien Center and its HIV wellness programs.

Can I turn in checks and/or cash donations?

Yes! You can turn them in at onsite registration before the Ride. Please plan to arrive before 7:30 am to allow plenty of time.

Can I enter offline donations onto my page? 

Yes! Click here to find out how: https://help.onecause.com/s/article/Can-I-Enter-Cash-and-Check-Donations-as-a-Participant

Who do I (or my donors) write a check out to in order to make an offline donation?

Damien Center

Can teams pool donations?

Yes! However, pooling teams must still raise an average of $150 per person.