2024 Smile Generation Plane Pull presented by United Airlines

– Link your fundraising page to your social media accounts asking for donations. 

– Send personalized emails or Facebook messages rather than mass emails. Always follow-up via phone. 

– Ask your supporters about matching funds from their employers. 

– Personal Assistant for a day – Offer to run errands, babysit, organize, clean a fridge, dog-sit, etc. for a donation. 

– Bake Sale – Bring baked goods into your workplace and raise money toward your Plane Pull fundraising. 

– Sports Bracket or Pools – Organize weekend game brackets. Charge a fee, with a split of proceeds to the winner. 

– Change Collection – Set up a collection jar at your workplace or ask friends for spare change.

– Bar/Restaurant Night – Ask a local restaurant to donate proceeds to your brave pull or put out a change jar.