Camp Sweeney's Play for the Day 5K & Festival SUPPORTING CHILDREN WITH DIABETES
Camp Sweeney's Play for the Day 5K & Festival

About Camp Sweeney's Play for the Day 5K & Festival

Raising awareness about T1D 

Camp Sweeney's Play for the Day was created 13 years ago by a group of Camp Sweeney camper parents to raise awareness for T1D, or type 1 diabetes. T1D affects 1 in 400 children and can lead to devastating medical complications such as eye disease, kidney disease, and damaged cardiovascular and nervous systems.  However, proper diabetes management can greatly reduce the probability of future complications.  Camp Sweeney provides these children with a motivating support system to overcome these struggles.

Raising funds for campers 
Half of the children who come to Camp Sweeney need financial aid.  Camp Sweeney's Play for the Day helps raise campership dollars to support those families in need.  Since its inception, Play for the Day has raised over $1 million. This year's goal is our most ambitious yet at $200,000. 

Providing community fellowship 
Camp Sweeney's Play for the Day serves as Camp Sweeney's kickstart for the summer. Campers and their families can come out to meet returning and new counselors. The community to gather to have a fun family-friendly morning with activities and fellowship. It is a great way to spend Memorial Day.

​EVENT COMMITTEEClyde & Kim Rainford (chair), Jonah Aldridge, Michael Anderson, Cole & MC Carrick, Cody Crossman, Jennifer Davidson, Mike & Alicia Harding, Brandi Harrill, Lisa Hill, Jordan Hutchinson, Gina Joyce, Emma Presley, Heather Renegar, Natalie Stanback, Holly Swartwout, Will Toler, Preston Walhood, Tiffany Carra (honorary), Robb & Kathy Stewart (honorary) 
Staff: Ernie Fernandez, M.D., Billie Hood, Bob Cannon, Eliana Goodman, Iain Jahns


Starts at:  May 26, 2025 9:00 AM
Ends at:  May 26, 2025 12:00 PM


Lake Highlands North Park
9344 Church Road
Dallas,TX 75231 USA


Why Participate?

Join us on Memorial Day!

Sweeney Staff - Meet the latest crew for the summer

Certified Run Times - 5K Route is USATF certified

T1D Awareness - Show your support of our kids who have diabetes

Festival - Rides, games, live music, and food

How Your Support Makes a Difference

Raising Awareness and Funds

Awareness - Many people are aware of type 2 diabetes and often think type 1 diabetes is the same. It's not. Type 1 is usually diagnosed in childhood. Through no fault of their own, 1 in 400 children develops type 1 diabetes and their lives change forever. It's a scary time. But with Camp Sweeney, there is hope.

Funds - Diabetes puts a tremendous financial burden on families. Camp Sweeney provides financial aid called "Camperships" to help campers attend camp. Over half of the campers get aid totalling more than a million dollars each year.

Thank you for your support!