2024 Police in Pursuit supporting Special Olympics Northern California

Join us at Ocean Speedway and race around the track! Raise a minimum of $750 and put the pedal to the metal in a 12 lap race against other law enforcement thrill seekers. You'll raise the funds in no time by using our online fundraising tools. You can use our fundraising template page or set up your own personal one then email family, friends and co-workers to support you.
Here are a few ways to participate:
- You can register as a team captain and invite other members of your agency to join you with the goal of each of you raising the minimum of $750.
- You can register as a team captain and invite other members of your agency to join you with the goal that you will collectively raise the minimum of $750 and then select one officer to represent you in the race.
- You can join an existing team.
- You can register as an individual and pay or raise the minimum of $750.
Things for you to know:
Drivers must drive a retired police vehicle that must represent your agency's paint scheme and decal.
Each driver is allowed one pit crew member.
Driver and Pit Crew Member need to arrive by 3:00 pm to attend a training. Races start at 6:00 pm. (Though when the actual LETR race will take place is determined by the race promoter).
If you have any questions, please contact John Hohmann at jhohmann@scottsvalley.org or Allie Bakalar at AllieB@sonc.org.
Participating in Police in Pursuit provides agencies with the opportunity to create a positive impact for their agency in their local community. Creating a team and inviting agency personnel to join you creates a team comradery in a fun and friendly competition with other agencies.
Feel the need for speed? Now is your chance!
The funds raised support the sports, health and wellness, education, and leadership programming our athletes enjoy at no cost to them or their family. The skills our athletes gain by participating in our programs positively impact their lives, helping to make them contributing members of their community.