About Easterseals of the Birmingham Area

Easterseals of the Birmingham Area, a 501(c)(3) organization and affiliate of Easterseals Alabama, dates back to the 1950s and is dedicated to ensuring children and adults with disabilities or other special needs and their families have access to solutions that change their lives – allowing for more independence and an enhanced quality of life. Easterseals provides services to the five-county Greater Birmingham community through its recognized clinics located in Birmingham, Pelham and Springville as well as through its newest clinic providing healthcare to the uninsured in St. Clair County. 

Easterseals provides adults with disabilities vocational rehabilitation, job training, employment, evaluation services as well as computer and life skills training. Easterseals also provides outpatient therapy such as speech, physical and occupational therapy to children and underwrites the costs for persons with disabilities to attend a special needs summer camp. Most recently, ESBA opened a health clinic to provide holistic healthcare services for adults without health insurance.

How Your Support Makes a Difference

Your investment will help ensure that children with special needs and their families get the therapy and support they deserve, that adults with disabilities learn skills to seek competitive employment, and that adults without health insurance have access to holistic primary healthcare services regardless of their ability to pay.

Thank you to our Sponsors

Members of the Queen’s Court are raising funds to support the mission of Easterseals of the Birmingham Area.  They are competing against each other for the honor of being named King of the 2019 Mardi Gras Ball.  The member of the Queen’s Court raising the most money will be crowned King at the event on February 9, 2019.  

Meet the Court Members below and learn more about each Member by entering their name into the search box above.  By donating not only are you helping your favorite Member become King of the Ball, but you are also ensuring individuals with disabilites as well as  chronic health conditions receive much needed services to increase independence and quality of life.