Rally For Girls Education is a virtual, cross-country pep-rally to raise awareness and inspire action for improving girls education in low-income countries globally. A live and interactive event featuring appearances by Right To Play Ambassadors and special guests from the Government of Canada, Rally For Girls Education will also kick-off #Rally4GirlsEd, a week-long virtual challenge to mobilize Canadian youth around the call for global girls education.
The kickoff takes place on Friday, February 4th from 1:00pm - 1:45pm EST. You can register to join above, and don't forget to wear your Rally For Girls Education tee! This livestreamed event will kickoff the challenge to raise awareness for girls education.
It could be anyone! A teacher, your mother, daughter, coach, an actor, a world leader, or your social justice idol. We want to know how they've influenced your education and inspired you to raise your voice in support of every girls' right to learn.
In the spirit of sport, we're adding a little friendly competition: Each University Club will register their school as Team on the OneCause platform. Keep an eye on our leaderboard - each Team has one week to earn points by getting people to complete the challenge and share on social media using #Rally4GirlsEd.
STEP 1: Register with your school Team
STEP 2: Rep your school pride at the Rally for Girls Education live event on Feb. 4
STEP 3: Complete the #Rally4GirlsEd challenge by posting your photo and story on the OneCause platform by Feb. 12
STEP 4: Connect your social media accounts to share your post & encourage others to take part
STEP 5: Keep raising awareness and advocating for girls education all week long. Use #Rally4GirlsEd and tag @RightToPlayCAN